Rites of Christian Initiation (RCI) 2017-11-26T12:30:48+00:00

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults ( RCIA )


Adults who wish to be received into the Catholic Church, are able to do so through the RCIA. The RCIA process usually commences with Enquiry sessions in August leading to becoming Catholic at the Easter Vigil Mass.


Rite of Christian Initiation of Children ( RCIC )


Children who wish to be received into the Catholic Church, are able to do so through the RCIC. The RCIC process usually commences with Enquiry sessions in August leading to becoming Catholic at the Easter Vigil Mass.



Rite of Reception


Those who have been baptised in another Christian faith tradition are able to be received into full communion with the Catholic Church through the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults or Rite of Christian Initiation of Children Process.